
Cloud Seeker
Apr 24, 2024


Perhaps I’m doomed?

Cursed, to never find what I seek.

Doomed to live a life with fortunes so bleak.

I feel like I’m immune to blessings so surreal.

Never to have heaven’s feel.

It feels like a glass ceiling sits above me.

Letting me see what I desire.

But never able to break through to get it.

It’s bulletproof.

And as time has gone by, it’s gotten more cloudy.

As if it’s fading away.

Or I’m becoming more obscure.

I try to push through.

Most times I do.

But every now and then I feel these wounds.

They bring me down.

To my knees and even my back.

Wondering if I should just give up.

Accept fate, it may be too late.

Or too far away.

Doomed to never see it on the road my life takes.



Cloud Seeker

Aspiring Fiction Writer. I write on whatever interests me. Particularly video games, anime and manga.