Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Movie Review

Furiously Entertaining

Cloud Seeker
5 min readJun 2, 2024


The latest installment for the Mad Max franchise, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga released recently. Despite the long weekend with Memorial Day I didn’t get the opportunity to see it then due to my friends’ commitments. We settled for a night during the work week. Tuesday specifically, for half priced tickets. So how was the prequel to Mad Max: Fury Road?

Furiosa is a thrilling action packed experience, and a worthy entry in the Mad Max franchise. I honestly found every minute of the film entertaining.

What Furiosa does right is expand on the Mad Max universe. Specifically on the area around Immortan Joe’s Citadel. The film’s plot focuses on the events leading up to Fury Road. Specifically it follows the life of the titular character Furiosa in this area of the Wasteland. It is as much as can be expected from a prequel story as it sets the table for future events with Furiosa’s development from ignorant child in paradise to hardened adolescent in hell.

While that sounds like a criticism, it’s praise. Furiosa never loses focus of what it is plot wise. It doesn’t try to introduce something out of left field that twists the perception completely or something new to try to induce a reaction. In an age where re-courses and plot holes in franchises are prevalent, Furiosa stays well on target.

It was also interesting to see what happened before Fury Road and what was only mentioned in said film with the titular character’s vague recounting of them. Though I can’t deny I was slightly disappointed to not see a little more. Some background on Immortan Joe’s wives would have been awesome to see.

But perhaps the most notable flaw of the plot is the under-utilization of the title character herself. For being a movie which is supposed to be focused and centered on her, it felt like there wasn’t enough spotlight on Furiosa herself. She gets her development, no doubt however, it feels like the focus goes a little too much to everything and everyone around her. It doesn’t help that she has some of the fewest lines in the film. That could be a result of just the growth of her character but it is disappointing to see.

Anna Taylor Joy’s performance is fantastic in spite of this. Rather, she comes out all the more impressive with what she is given. When Taylor Joy takes over, she really takes into the character. It did feel like I was watching a younger Furiosa from Fury Road. Unlike the fearless leader that Charlize Theron plays, Taylor Joy plays a cunning survivor, patiently waiting for the right moment to execute her plans and learning the tricks of the trade to being a warrior in the wasteland.

The antagonist of the film, Dementus is hands down the most interesting character in the whole film, with much of the plot being shaped by his actions. Dementus is a fitting name for the character as he is a demented, ruthless, chaotic warlord with no scruples whatsoever. He is loud, showy and indifferent to anyone but himself. At times his behavior can seem humorous such as him picking up a microphone and blabbering narcissistic nonsense, however Dementus is a truly threatening force. His attitude actually proves that as the film repeatedly shows that he is unrelenting, no matter what circumstance.

As my friend put it best, Chris Hemsworth’s casting was something to be wary of. Would he be just a big famous face in an unfitting role? No, he wasn’t. Hemsworth’s performance as Dementus was outstanding. While his accent might now fit as much, the attitude, demeanor and body language were all on point to how the character should be. I hate to compare his performance to a previous role, especially his historically well known one, Hemsworth plays Dementus like a ruthless and morally bankrupt warlord version of Fat Thor.

Among other character spotlights to note. Immortan Joe, the main antagonist of Fury Road, returns as a major character. Joe gets quite a lot of screen time and use, more than I had expected whatsoever. In the film he is seen at the absolute peak of his power. Even as Dementus challenges him for supremacy for this area of the Wasteland, it is prevalent that Joe is still the absolute highest power.

Nobody will ever replace the late Hugh Keays-Byrne and the outstanding job he did as Joe in Fury Road. But Lachy Hulme, who takes over the role in Furiosa, does well. I will note Hulme’s voice for Immortan Joe isn’t quite the epic one Keays-Byrne does, but it isn’t bad by any stretch.

Praetorian Jack is another major character to note, as he is the most prevalent mentor for Furiosa in the film. He also doubles as the one relationship that is a full positive for her. Tom Burke plays the role well and it was enjoyable watching the character in action.

The tone and aesthetic of Furiosa is weird, brutal and at times grotesque, which is exactly what should be expected of a Mad Max film. As stated previously, the film never loses focus of what it is.

Action scenes are hands down the most entertaining parts of the movie. Thrilling doesn’t begin to describe it. Couple with the fantastic sound and special effects, it was exhilarating to watch. Once again, the film is brutal and it is never more evident in its battles as some of the most ruthless of violence and outlandish means of action are seen. Again, all well in line with the Mad Max franchise.

To conclude, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is a more than worthy prequel for Fury Road and a great and entertaining experience. Some aspects of the film could have been done better, but I really enjoyed it nonetheless. I may give it another watch sometime in the future.


My Scoring Scale



Cloud Seeker

Aspiring Fiction Writer. I write on whatever interests me. Particularly video games, anime and manga.